RuneScape: The Way to Get Level 99 in Every Skill

Oct-26-2019 PST Category: runescape
Are you confused about how to get level 99 in every skill on RuneScape? Although achieving this goal is not easy, here we have compiled a complete guide that hopes to help you. Keep in mind that getting enough RuneScape gold in the game will benefit you a lot.

1. Woodcutting

Why do you have to master woodcutting? This is a basic skill, but it is essential. You need logs to ignite the fire and need fire to cook the food. If your woodcut is high, you can cut down trees and make money!

First, cut down ordinary trees and sell logs at market prices on the big exchange (G.E.). You should upgrade quickly. Then, when your woodcut level reaches 15, you start cutting oak at Varrock Palace and sell it to G.E. Lowest price. When your woodcut level reaches 30, start cutting the willows, store the logs in the bank, and then sell them all to G.E immediately. You should be able to get 99 woodcuts in about 260-270 hours.

2. Firemaking

After clicking the log, use the Add Fire Right Click option in the fire to ignite and add a log.

At 1-15, burn normal logs. They are quite expensive, but the first few levels are quickly over. At 15-30, burn oak logs. It will take a long time to reach level 30. At 30-45, burn willow logs. For these levels, they are very cheap and extremely fast. On the 45-60 level, burn maple logs. They are also very cheap, up to 160,000 XP. On the 60-99 level, burn the yew logs. You will need about 20 million to get 99 matches with yew. If you can't afford to burn 99 fireworks with paclitaxel, then you can burn maple to 99. Maple 99 takes only 80 hours to set fire, and yew flower takes only 50 hours.

3. Fishing

Why are you proficient in fishing? This is the most basic skill to get the ingredients for cooking. If you want to make money at high fishing levels, you need a lot of time and patience.

The first is the crayfish located behind the church. Ask a priest (Arte Areck) for a cage, or take a free sample at the fish shop, continue fishing and let go. (Continue to read unless you are cooking.)

From the 20th level, you can catch trout and squid until you reach level 99. You should get 99 in about 250 hours.

4. Cooking

Why are you proficient in cooking? You will need to cook food to restore your health (or make money). Something needs a range of cooking (such as cakes). With scope, you will reduce things that burn frequently, which is good news. You can find mountains in Lumbridge Castle, Varrock and are everywhere in the Runescape world. After the fishing is completed, cook it for XP. You should know when to go fishing on the steps and cook for better food.

Just like when your cooking and fishing levels reach 5, you should fish and cook salmon. Plus, you don't have to fish. You can buy from G.E. (not recommended). I don't remember all the fish, but you can do it yourself.

When your cooking level reaches 45, you should be able to cook swordfish. Remember, you will burn some, so throw away the burned and continue to fish the swordfish. This is not recommended. It takes time, but you should finish 99 cooking in 90 hours (if your cooking level has reached level 45). Lumbridge Castle is the best castle, while Al Kharid is a little farther away, but you don't have to climb any stairs (Al Kharid's range is within the bank). The waist bridge range allows you to burn less food than other ranges.

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When your cooking level reaches the 1950s, you will no longer be able to burn squid, which is convenient because the cost of raw/cooked squid is almost the same, so with a lot of cooking (each 70xp), you can almost There is no money to raise the level (this is very helpful for F2P Runescapers, but if the money is not a problem, then you must buy a better fish).

When the cooking level reaches 74, you will no longer burn the lobster. Cook the lobster to level 99, or cook squid, squid or tuna according to your preference. Note: All of these fish will not burn when cooking above level 84.

5. Ranged

Why should you master ranged? It's best to attack things from a distance, because HP's XP will be faster than a warrior. In addition, when the range is 40, you will wear cool armor! Ranging is boring, so occasionally doing other things.

Kayle's sling was first obtained from a mission called "The Blood Pact." The sling has unlimited ammunition, but it is weak. Alternatively, you can get a free short bow and 30 bronze arrows from a rangefinder store in Varrock. Start stocking chickens because they never hit you and don’t collect feathers for money. Continue this until 20 o'clock.

Now enter the Edgeville dungeon, train from a safe place to the mountain giant until 40, then train on the meat reptile or continue training on the mountain giant. Note: The giants of the hills drop big bones, which is useful for prayer experience and money. Get 60 long-range attacks and train fewer demons on the Karamja volcano until the 80-point ranged attack. This can be boring, so please take a break.

Train there until the 80 range, then enter the wilderness of the volcano to fight the larger demon, there is a bank nearby to put your water drops into it, the larger devil does this to 99 ranges, which takes 130-140 hours.

Finally, don't forget that Rsgoldfast is holding a Halloween discount event, now Use code "Halloween", you will enjoy 6% off.


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