Old School RuneScape: Scurrius The Rat King Boss Guide

Feb-19-2025 PST Category: runescape

The most recent boss added to Old School RuneScape, Scurrius the Rat King, is a Level-250 boss that serves as a mid-level boss for anyone who wants to test the waters with PvM. Capable of being killed with all combat styles, Scurrius is an excellent boss for players of all skill levels.


Not only is Scurrius a relatively easy boss to kill, but it also brings a couple of new rewards, decent experience rates to train your combat skills, and a new pet to farm for. Needless to say, Scurrius has proven to be an excellent addition to Old School RuneScape.


Recommended Gear To Fight Scurrius


Since Scurrius is a mid-level boss, the minimum recommended gear would be mid-tier armour. Depending on which combat style you choose from, Rune Armour/Green D'Hide/Mystic Robes, paired with an Amulet of Glory, Barrow's Gloves, and your best boots, cape, and ring, are great choices for gear if your combat level is between 70 and 100.


If you find yourself at a higher combat level or are comfortable fighting Scurrius on your own, Barrow's Armour/Black D'Hide/Void Equipment is recommended before attempting to do so. Barrow's equipment (specifically Verac's or Dharok's) has incredible defensive bonuses to withstand Scurrius and its minions' attacks, while Void Equipment gives you additional DPS for all combat styles.


Weapons such as a Dragon Scimitar, Magic Shortbow, Iban's Staff, or better, should be good enough to fight Scurrius, especially if you are fighting him as a group or have high-level stats (80+).


On the chance that you get Scurrius' Spine, it can be used to make Rat Bone Weaponry, which gives you additional damage when fighting against rats. Using a Bone Mace, Bone Shortbow, or Bone Staff can allow you to kill Scurrius on your own with only mid-level gear.


In your inventory, you only need to realistically bring a Super Combat Potion/Ranging Potion, Prayer Potions, a Teleport Tab, and fill the rest with food to heal with (Monkfish or better). During the fight, you will want to keep your stats boosted while ensuring you have enough Prayer Points to keep Protection Prayers active as much as possible.


Where To Find Scurrius


Scurries can be found in a small section of the Varrock Sewers.


Just to the east of Varrock Castle, you will find a manhole which you use to access the sewers. While there are other monsters and areas to visit, you can immediately run west to find Historian Aldo just outside the entrance to Scurrius' lair.


Once you attempt to fight Scurrius, you will have a menu option to either do a public fight or access an instance.


How To Defeat Scurrius


Scurries go through three phases throughout the fight, each with different attacks and mechanics to look out for.


Phase 1: 100% To 75% Health

Scurrius will attack with all three combat styles, although using the Protect from Melee prayer is recommended, as it is the most common and damaging attack that Scurrius can do. Since Scurrius has multiple heads, it will attack all players in a fight simultaneously.


In addition to Scurrius' melee attack, sparks of blue lightning and green cloud darts will be launched from Scurrius and attack you with magic and ranged, respectively. If you can, you can switch your protection prayers to the associated attack to prevent you from taking further damage, then switch back to Protect from Melee.


Once Scurrius reaches 75 per cent health, it will go to one of the three food piles in the lair and begin to eat from it, only attacking the players with magic and ranged. After eating for about ten seconds, it will go back to attacking you with all attacks.


There is also a special attack where rubble will fall from the ceiling, which can be noticed by the visible shadows and debris falling on top of you. Here, you can move out of the way to completely avoid damage.


Phase 2: 75% To 25% Health

The second phase of fighting Scurrius is the same as phase one, but when it goes to the food piles to eat, it will begin to heal up to five times before attacking again. Scurries will continue to do this periodically, so keep doing as much DPS as possible to get to the final phase quickly.


If you are at a low level or find yourself being hit for a lot, you may want to consider killing the six Giant Rats that spawn with Scurrius. However, if you are at a higher level, you can fight through them as Scurrius will only cause them to respawn again once they reach their second and third phases.


Phase 3: 25% to 0% Health

Once Scurrius reaches 25 per cent health, it will go to the centre of the lair, attacking all the players while rubble continuously falls from the ceiling. Keep moving away from the falling rubble while attacking Scurrius.


Once Scurrius runs out of hitpoints, the fight will be over, its loot will be dropped to the floor, and Scurrius will respawn in around twenty seconds.


What Loot Scurrius Drops


Scurrius is considered a mid-level boss, so its loot table is ideal for players within that combat range. Aside from the unique drops, much of Scurrius' loot table has different types of armor, weapons, runes, and other combat supplies.


What Is Scurrius' Spine?

Scurrius' Spine is an untradable drop that can be used to make Rat Bone Weaponry. It can be used in one of three ways:


Used with a Rune Mace with 35 Smithing to create the Bone Mace.

Used with a Battlestaff with 35 Crafting to create the Bone Staff.

Used with a Yew Shortbow with 35 Fletching to create the Bone Shortbow.


Alternatively, if you do not have the appropriate skilling level to create a Bone Weapon yourself, you can take it to Historian Aldo, just outside of Scurrius's lair, and pay him 50,000gp to make one for you.


Each of the three Rat Bone Weapons allows you to deal additional damage against rats, making them an ideal weapon of choice when fighting against Scurrius.


By utilizing these Rat Bone Weapons and investing in OSRS Gold, you'll be well-equipped to take down Scurrius and other rat-themed enemies in Gielinor!






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