Here Are the Newest Patch Notes in Runescape

Feb-21-2020 PST Category: runescape
New patch for Runescape is now live, one of the changes now stopping players from wandering about inside portals. This patch also some bug fixes which includes making sure enemies in GWD2 are no longer invulnerable so can be killed. If you own a locker in Rimmington but haven't partially completed the Rocking Out mission, the bad news is that these lockers will not be available unless you have a chance to have enough OSRS gold. All patch notes can be found below.

King Slime's top hat now appears at the beginning of the latest list in the player's closet.

Fixed a typo that occurs in the Once Upon A Slime quest.

Completing the quest will now allow players to re-equip their own Comp Cape without having to log in again.

Players can no longer obtain the first two leaders from the Elite Dungeon as a Reaper mission.

Fixed a bug that allowed players to enter the portal.

Semi-active miners are inadvertently affected by changes in AFK mining rates. To address this, they adjusted their rates as follows:

*100% stamina = 100% damage

*1-99% stamina = 90% damage

*0% stamina = 20% damage

Players chasing only rockertunities should now find their rates similar to before.

Driven server-side optimization and future-oriented measures for Diango's item storage.

Winter chills have been removed from the Lumbridge Crater.

Uncompressed texture settings have been re-enabled

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After exiting the various interfaces, the key binding in the operation bar is no longer slightly delayed. After committing to chat messages, a short delay still persists.

Fixed an issue with clan noticeboard ‘thread ID paste’ causing a crash/loss of functionality on mobile.

The broadcast for a HSR drop will now be displayed in areas where this was previously missed.

Fixed a bug that made enemies in GWD2 impossible to kill.

Can now pick up a stackable relic from the ground with a full inventory containing the stackable item.

Fixed an issue that stopped players completing The Mighty Fall.

Mixing a Harralander potion with only swordfish in your inventory will now make a cooking potion without opening the interface.

Fixed an issue with dinosaur leather not being recognized as usable against a portable crafter.

Removed [ph] item from the GE.

Corrected an issue where the Content Recommendation System could display a blank Latest Quest.

Players are no longer able to use the lockers in Rimmington if they haven’t been unlocked via partial completion of the Rocking Out quest.

Hatchets now correctly give four components per bar used in the making of them when disassembled.

A worn Zamorak insignia will now stop Zamorak’s forces attacking you within God Wars Dungeon 1.

Fixed an issue that allowed a large number of broken/degraded items to be equipped via the bank.

The Prosper perk from the Invention skill now states which level of clue you obtain when it activates.


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