Navigating Wrath of the Lich King's Phase Three Raids: A Tank's Perspective

Today we're diving into the intricate world of Wrath of the Lich King's phase three raids, specifically focusing on the Trial of the Grand Crusader (TOGC) and the revamped Onyxia encounter. For tanks, these raids present unique challenges and rewarding opportunities, especially in the Heroic modes of TOGC. In this article, we'll explore the mechanics, strategies, and loot considerations for each encounter, offering valuable insights for tanks gearing up for these challenging battles.

Navigating Wrath of the Lich King's Phase Three Raids: A Tank's Perspective

Trial of the Grand Crusader (TOGC):

TOGC introduces a mechanic that sets it apart from other raids: an attempt limit for Heroic bosses. With only 50 total attempts, successful runs become crucial for obtaining desirable loot. The loot structure rewards efficiency, with more attempts translating to better rewards at the end. The article breaks down the rewards based on attempt thresholds, emphasizing the importance of minimizing wipes.

The first boss, Gormok the Impaler, presents a tank-centric challenge with Impale stacks and snowball mechanics. The article recommends tank swaps and judicious use of defensive abilities to handle Impale stacks efficiently. Additionally, it highlights the significance of managing the snowballs and offers strategies for maximizing loot rewards.

The second phase, featuring worms Dreadscale and Acidmaw, demands careful coordination. Tanking both worms close together for cleave damage is suggested, with a focus on eliminating Dreadscale first. The article details the mechanics of burning bile and paralytic toxin, emphasizing the need for strategic positioning and quick decision-making.

The final phase introduces Icehowl, requiring specific positioning and timing to mitigate his powerful attacks. The article advises on utilizing defensive cooldowns before his formidable ability, Ferocious Butt, ensuring a smooth progression through this encounter.

Jaraxxus, Eredar Lord of The Burning Legion, is deemed a relatively easy fight. The article provides insights into tanking strategies, emphasizing the importance of interrupting Fell Fireball and efficient management of demon portals and volcanoes.

The Faction Champions encounter, designed as a PvP-style fight, presents challenges for tanks. While the article acknowledges the possibility of tanking under specific conditions, it also recognizes the primary focus on DPS and healers for this unique encounter.

Twin Val'kyr:

The Twin Val'kyr encounter introduces a choice between two strategies: the door strategy and the normal strategy. The article explains the mechanics of the fight, offering insights into tanking, color debuffs, and strategies for handling special abilities. It underscores the importance of adapting strategies based on the raid's composition and preferences.


The Anub'arak encounter emphasizes the need for gear optimization due to the leeching swarm mechanic. Tanks are advised to balance survivability and damage output, considering Nature Resistance gear and consumables. The article details the strategies for handling ads, ice patches, and phase transitions, providing a comprehensive guide for tanking in this encounter.


The revamped Onyxia encounter retains the classic mechanics but introduces new challenges, including the Onyxian Lair Guard and fear mechanics. The article guides tanks through the positioning, mechanics, and strategies to navigate through the encounter successfully.

Wrath of the Lich King's phase three raids present a diverse set of challenges for tanks, requiring strategic thinking, adaptability, and efficient execution. This article serves as a comprehensive guide for tanks, offering valuable insights into each encounter's mechanics, loot structure, WoTLK gold and optimal strategies. As you venture into these raids, may your armor be sturdy, your taunts effective, and your loot rolls fortunate. Happy raiding!

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