​Are the nephalem powers coming back to humanity

I believe that the powers of the nephalem are returning and I believe that the story is in need of it Unfortunately. Be aware that this is an unintentional speculation by a random individual. I write this article because I enjoy it.

Before I start - No I'm not talking about the divine D3 main character of Nephalem. Let me explain We'll need some background first.

We know that Demons and Angels have created a new species of Nephalem. And the first (The The Ancients) were and even more powerful than the main character of D3. Later on, Inarius "nerfed" the world by changing The World Stone (the thing that was used to build Sanctuary which was where Lilith and Inarius began a huge alliance with other Demons as well as Angels). The nerf slowed down the ability of the nephalem each generation . At an era, the nephalem changed into regular human beings.

Now to my principal concerns:

What is the reason I believe that the power of the nephalem is being restored? because the World Stone was destroyed, perhaps removing Inarius the nerf. It's possible that it could be that the nerf was made permanent and whatever condition humanity's powers were in at the time that the World Stone was destroyed World Stone is how it remains forever. However, I don't think that's true due to the fact that World stone was not used to create us, and wasn't the source for our power, it was solely the source to the issue. Additionally, the protagonist discovered (in an insanely rapid and exaggerated manner) the power of reviving nephalem in his/her.

This answers the question: why do I believe that the powers of the nephalem will be returning in a certain manner. I'm sure of this. The issue is.. What makes me believe the story should be allowed to be told and how or what I believe will occur.

I'm not a fan of the writing of D3. It's clear that the protagonist in the game had insane levels of power that destroy the world and story creating. This is a violation of any in-lore logic. The concept (the power of the nephalem returning) is good , and it is the way to go in terms of lore, however the execution was dumb.

I think the story is in need of it due to a very simple reason: we as gamers are not D3 Nephalems and we can't be the most powerful type of Nephalem. Obviously. But we can't be normal humans. Normal humans have in a shambles against any single demon, and the majority of the monsters in the world. The strongest of normal humans like Barbs or Sorcs are still not given a chances against those Evils (lore-wise) and certainly won't be able to take on thousands or thousands of demons as the rest of us will be able to do in D4. We know that we will be facing Duriel, Andariel and probably Lilith as well, and I believe it's safe to say that, in the coming expansions, D4 will let us battle other Evils as well, including the most powerful Evils and I also believe in Imperius and other angels. Also, we'll be able to fight on our own or as part of the company of up to four people. We simply can't be human. (As an aside note I'm guessing that the developers may end up calling Nephalem power "power from the past" as well as "ancestral powers" or something similar in order to avoid reference to D3 or any other way but they're exactly the same thing).

Our power level needs to be higher than that of a human, however not so high that it makes all our problems appear easy to resolve because we're an not OP. The power level must be in a good place to be able to match our actions in the game as well as in the narrative.

I have two pretty excellent options for how to accomplish it.

- Inarius The nerf that Inarius received lasted for so long that it'll be at least an equal amount of time to restore our power. It will mean that normal humans and the majority of npc characters require approximately 20 Games in the Diablo series before they can notice any change. However, that means there are other exceptions. We must make an excuse that certain rare human beings would have incredible potential in their ancestral/nephalem abilities that can be regained faster. Fast enough to allow them to be (players) capable of facing the challenges they will be confronted in D4.

- Inarius's nerf has caused irreparable harm to us, and the powers will not be restored to 99.99 percent of people and with a few extremely uncommon cases (players). In this instance the nephalem power / ancestral powers might be comparable to that of Force that we know from OG (OT) Star Wars. It gives you an immense advantage over regular individuals, but is not super-powered, but is sufficient to enable us to fight all Evils (with the power of that are luck, skill the nephalem/ancestral powers, and the narrative).

I would say that option 1 is more sensible from a lore perspective, but the second option gives more freedom of imagination.

Overall, both share the same fundamental effect in that the strength level that players have is proportional to the actions they will take in the game. If we're as powerful as the Nephalem (from the game D3) Then all the forces from Hell, Heaven, and Lilith are in no way a threat to us. If we're not Nephalem in any way, or don't possess the powers of the Nephalem whatsoever, we have in a shambles against any of these forces. If we do not possess any of these abilities and abilities, it would be absurd to kill anyone of the Evils or, really, every boss or many normal demons. The absence of Nephalem power diminishes the danger and power the Evils ought to symbolize in the same way The Nephalem in D3 reduced it due to having ALL the powers of a nephalem. The story behind Diablo game and legends of Diablo requires players to possess this nephalem-like power in some form in order for any action to actually make sense. Both extremes are absurd and absurd story-wise.

We're kinda trapped. To be clear, I'd prefer for us to be human beings who can't fight the greatest negatives (well maybe after several expansions). I'd love to have a world in which we battle demons and other evils that seem like evil gods to us. We don't even imagine the existence of them.. Perhaps they're not able to openly attack us due to their conflict with Heaven does not permit that or maybe they aren't able to completely manifest in Sanctuary and all they're able to do is to corrupt us and bring in smaller demons. However, that would require massive Retconning, and we're way too far into the narrative of Diablo.

You've mentioned D2 and D1 and say that the character players were just normal human beings there. This is a sign that the problem of writing is more significant. The characters in each game are evidently more powerful than the other human beings around them. Both games showcase countless victims even of the most weak demons. Therefore, D2 or D1 characters aren't the same. They are the "chosen characters". The games don't discuss that. It's certainly superior to D3's Nephalem scenario however it's not perfect or even internally constant. When you consider D1 and D2 and D2, the world of these games makes it clear that humans aren't as strong as they appear and the player's power levels are incredibly high. The power difference of a normal player in Sanctuary and the player's is far too huge to be achievable even if they're all ordinary human beings. The player power level of D2 appears similar to the level of power a nephalem can attain, but we know that this can't be true. The game is ignoring this.

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