Runescape Beginners Guide for 2020

Mar-07-2020 PST Category: runescape
For inexperienced novices, playing OSRS gold can become complicated. Things like UI, combat systems, and skills are so confusing and a bit dated that can make someone quit quickly. Therefore, in this guide, I am willing to provide beginners with simple and less detailed content, so as not to cause confusion and enjoy in-depth gameplay.

Tutorial Island

When you log in to the bold for the aboriginal time ever, you alpha on Tutorial Island. On this island, you will apprentice the basics of the bold such as how to coffer or how to alternation skills.

The aboriginal affair you will anytime do is allotment a name for your character, and again you will move to appearance customization.

Then you should chase the chicken arrow aflame aloft assertive NPCs. They will advise you the accepted mechanics and basal adeptness of the game.

On the final assignment of the tutorial, you are asked if you wish to be an Ironman or not. As a beginner, it wouldn’t be a astute best to become an Ironman. Getting an Ironman has a abundant negative, and it’s that you can’t barter annihilation with added players.

Once you are done with the Tutorial, you will be teleported to Lumbridge area you will alpha arena the game.

User Interface

The UI is apparently the a lot of complicated affair in the game, due to the age of the game. But I will breakdown the UI to accomplish it “easy-to-get” for beginners. Note that this adviser is focused alone on the PC adaptation of the game.

Chat Box

Chat is acclimated to acquaint with added players in abounding altered ways. Also, you can adviser the processes you do via the “Game” tab, and acquaint with NPCs in general.

Combat Options

In this tab, you can accept your advance style, anniversary of them will acquiesce you to accretion EXP in assertive action skills. There’s aswell Auto Retaliate option, which allows you to action aback automatically while getting attacked by others.

Skills Tab

In this tab, you can appearance your assorted abilities and the accepted akin of each. Every accomplishment has its accent and the antecedence to alternation as a beginner. To apperceive aggregate about anniversary of them, you can analysis the Beginner’s Abilities guide.

Activities Tab

Activities tab is acclimated to appearance and administer four altered activities in the game, anniversary will be explained below.

Quest list

The aboriginal one is the Adventure list, which shows you the quests available. There are 21 chargeless quests and 121 associates quests. Completing anniversary adventure gives you Adventure credibility that you will charge to complete some specific quests. Clicking on any adventure will appearance you the requirements to alpha it.

Achievement Diary

Following the Achievement Diary, in this tab, you can appearance altered affidavit that you can accumulate to completion, to get some rewards and untradable items. Clicking on anniversary account will appearance you the altered tasks you should do to complete anniversary date of the diary.


Then you will acquisition the Minigames, in this tab, you can teleport to any minigame you choose. Keep in apperception that sometimes you will charge to airing to the minigame first, so you can alleviate the adeptness to teleport. You can aswell accompany a association babble of the minigame you chose to acquaint with a team or buy RuneScape gold.

Kourend Favor

In this game, there are 5 houses, these houses are regions, every arena has some features, to be apart you accept to accretion favor in anniversary house. This is the Kourend Favor, this tab shows you the favor you accept for anniversary abode of the 5 houses. To accretion favor in each, you should complete the tasks for anniversary abode which will acquiesce you to alleviate assertive activities and appearance in the game. You can bang on “View tasks” To appearance the tasks and what you can alleviate by accepting favor in anniversary house.


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