Patch 3.10.1 Comes to Path of Exile

Mar-27-2020 PST Category: path of exile
Path of Exile is the latest game to offer special rewards to players who are in trouble worldwide due to blockades and other restrictions. Recently, Path of Exile shared notes about the upcoming 3.10.1 update, which includes improvements to Delirium and all the improvements around.

Delirium updates include:

Made assorted visual adjustments to Delirium mist to advance afterimage of furnishings beneath the mist.

Added a array of coloured lights to monsters and packs with Delirium on-death modifiers to added acutely represent the blazon of accident their abilities will deal.

The Vengeful Blast modifier now creates a Fire-damage Flameblast (rather than Cold-damage). We accept bigger the telegraphing of the Flameblast as well.

Updated the furnishings of the Vengeful Skyfire meteors.

Updated the furnishings and audio of the Crushing Terror telegraph and impact.

Added a arena ambition brand for Vengeful Soul's Soul Mortar skill.

Several fixes are included as able-bodied which are primarily bug fixes. Some added accepted improvements include:

You are now able to baddest an Atlas Mission via the Map Device.

Shaper and Elder Influence can now be activated to areas that aswell accept Conqueror Influence.

Divination Cards which accolade Perandus Manor now consistently do so at a bank that is agnate to what would be accustomed if you had 4 Watchstones in the adapted arena of your Atlas. Cadiro Perandus will action Perandus Manor at a bank based on the watchstone calculation of the adapted arena of your Atlas.

Doryani's Machinarium now drops at a bank based on the Watchstone calculation of the adapted arena of your Atlas. This agency that if you accept 4 Watchstones in the arena that contains the Maze Map, Doryani's Machinarium will bead at its best tier.

Unique Maps and Vaal Temple Map are no best accent if selecting a Favourite Map.

x% added Effect of Auras on You modifiers no best administer to adversary debuff auras.

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