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Have you played this OSRS Tower of Life minigame?
If you're playing Old School Runescape, the Tower of Life is certainly an interesting place to visit. It's not going to be a winner of any awards as an opportunity to gain OSRS GP or other bags of knowledge, but it does provide a fascinating adventure story and minigame that is located in the basement.
Tower of Life Tower of Life
The Tower of Life is found just from the South Ardougne. Alchemists are focused on using hybrid methods to study animals on the four floors within. In the basement, there is the primary part of the area that is of interest because it is home to the mini-game called Creature Creation which we'll be talking about soon.
This is a journey that has brought you here not for the joy of not having to search for OSRS GP buy, but rather to carry out some fixes. The builders are refusing to make the repairs they need and it's your responsibility to complete this for them. The plot twists when you discover that the alchemists used their profits to create Homunculus that you'll be able to liberate and cure in the adventure.
The players who finish the quest can be granted an entry to the basement. In this area, there is a mini-game called Creature Creation.
About Creature Creation
This Creature Creation minigame tasks players with creating their own monster hybrids. They are then killed to collect their drop. It is only accessible to players having finished the Tower of Life quest, following which there's a trapdoor that will lead you to the basement. In most cases, you'll require the costume of a builder to gain access to the tower, however, once you've finished the quest, then you won't have to.
If you've come across OSRS products for auction that you've been unable to get or afford and then, you may be able to purchase the items you've been looking for on this. There are a variety of items that drop from the monsters you create, but it is still important to use caution. In the end, there are creatures in the game which could be dangerous. In this regard, it's worthwhile spending some OSRS gold to buy food to keep your spirits up.
Creature Creation Tips
We need to know some suggestions about what we can do to make the most of the mini-game. In the beginning, when you're planning to quit the game, ensure that you have primed your altar using the items. That means the OSRS things will remain present whenever you return in order to enable the altar no matter how long.
If you're searching for the right ingredients to play this game, you should try to bring along an ingredient which is usually an everyday drop, or even greater quantities of any other ingredients you come across. If you do this you'll be sure that the altar will be used multiple times in one visit. Try to obtain as many of the items you're seeking into your inventory. It might take time to adjust to all the things you need but it'll be worthwhile at the end of the day.
Do you want unicorn Horns? Consider creating the unique. It is an extremely quick way to get the horns, without the need to purchase OSRS gold to finance the project. Be aware that if you attempt to locate low-cost OSRS gold, make sure you are on a website that you can trust. Reliable OSRS gold can be the most reliable option in the end. But let's get we must return to the issue that is at hand. Find a bank that has cows in its vicinity Then, begin killing the animals. Begin to bank the cowhides on your own in case you don't want to purchase them using the OSRS gold.
An ideal place to visit is the cow pen which is located close to Ardougne market. Each cowhide you purchase makes a single unicow, which will give you 4 unicorn horns. Anyone who wants to fill their collections with unicorn horns must have a minimum of 10 cowhides.
This Creature Creation minigame is just one of the main features of The Tower of Life. The structure itself is largely dependent on the quest, and what happens within. What's the reason why the quest's name comes from the tower? There is, of course, this minigame and it is worth your time to go through it. There are some great drops that you can get in the game that could be worth an impressive sum in OSRS gold. By following the tips above, you'll be able to benefit from your time inside the basement's dark dungeon well. Be sure to bring enough food to keep you going for as long as possible.
Have you played this OSRS Tower of Life minigame? Tell us about it in your comments!
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