Fortnite Season 10 Week 7 Challenges List

Sep-18-2019 PST Category: runescape

Now Fortnite Battle Royale challenges for week 7 of season 10 has been revealed by Epic Games, Week 7's set is called Team Spirit, and as the name suggests, this week's missions all involve teaming up with other players.

As usual, there are only three challenges available from the start, and other challenges are unlocked when you are done. This week's missions are also very simple - they don't require access to certain areas or search for specific landmarks, although one challenge is that you use the marker feature to highlight three different rare items. You can see the full list of Challenges for Week 7 below.

Once you clear all seven standard Team Spirit challenges, you will unlock a set of Prestige challenges. These are the harder versions of the regular challenge, so they require more work to complete, but each is self-evident if you visit fortnite item shop, so you should be able to clean them up with a little stick. Complete enough challenges and you will once again move towards unlocking all Season 10 Battle Pass rewards.

Fort10's season 10 is still a few weeks away, so there is still a time to complete the weekly challenges of the early season. If you need help sweeping out any of these, we've collected all of our maps and guides to complete the tough task of the season in our complete Fortnite Season 10 Challenge Review.

Before the week 7 of the challenge, Epic launched the 10.30 update for Fortnite. This week's patch introduced two other Rift Zone locations - Moisty Palms and returning Greasy Grove - and a new time-limited mode called Knock Town. Epic also introduced the Burst SMG, which was replaced by the Tactical SMG. You can read the full patch instructions on Epic's website.

Fortnite Week 7 Team Spirit Challenges:


Play matches with a friend (3)

Assist teammates with eliminations (5)

Pet a teammate's pet (1)

Heal a teammate with a Chug Splash in different matches (3)

Mark an Uncommon, Rare, and Epic item

Deal combined damage with your squad or duo (1,000)

Revive a teammate in different matches (3)


Finish top 20 with a friend (3)

Assist teammates with eliminations in a single match (5)

Use a launchpad in squads or duos (1)

Heal a teammate with a Cozy Campfire in different matches (3)

Mark a chest, a shield item, and healing item in a single match

Deal combined damage with your squad or duo in a single match (1,000)

Reboot a teammate (1)


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