Dark and darker: Am I missing something here

Why do some players prefer using Best in Slot (BIS) gear in regular games instead of joining high-stakes matches? Am I missing something here?

It's important to acknowledge that everyone has their own preferred playstyle. If you find enjoyment in consistently farming standard games with top-tier gear, that's entirely valid. However, I've encountered players who sport meticulously designed, expensive loadouts in regular matches, and I'm puzzled about why they don't opt for high-stakes games instead. After all, high-stakes games offer superior rewards, and if these players possess the skills to compete at that level, it seems logical to seek more lucrative rewards and tougher adversaries.

While I don't consider myself particularly skilled, it can be quite frustrating to face solo players in regular games equipped with capes, brimming inventories of potions, and formidable weapons like Francesca axes. It's disheartening to see them invest so much in their gear without fully utilizing it.

There seem to be two primary reasons for this phenomenon:

A) Inadequate Rewards: Some players might perceive the difference in loot drops between high-stakes and regular games as insufficient to warrant the increased difficulty and buy-in costs associated with high-stakes matches (where gear drops might only be 10%-20% better).

B) Skill Gap Concerns: Both experienced and less experienced players may be hesitant to engage in matches where they feel overmatched by either stronger players or superior gear. No one enjoys feeling like victory is out of reach. Even top-tier players might be reluctant to face the very best unless they believe they have a fighting chance.

It's worth noting that no one willingly signs up for a battle they expect to lose, especially not when they have to pay for the privilege of facing off against streamers and highly dedicated players. This reluctance explains why some players opt for regular games.

In my personal experience, I used to play high-stakes matches when they were free and brought my best equipment into the fray. However, I came to realize that I wasn't on the same level as elite players like Jay and others. Knowing my limitations, I chose to engage with players more closely matched to my skill level in regular games and focused on progressing through zero-to-hero level 1-20 runs.

If high-stakes matches were to offer substantially better loot, adjust mob difficulty and numbers, transform some escapes into formidable challenges, and lower the entry costs, I'm confident that skilled players would be more inclined to test their abilities and earn superior rewards in those settings.

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